Foreign Policy
- Trade wars and annexation threats overshadow G7 co-operation at the gathering of top diplomats.
- Trade wars and annexation threats overshadow G7 co-operation at the gathering of top diplomats.

- There are no ‘pro-Assad fighters.’ There are just Alawites defending themselves from other Syrians who want vengeance for crimes committed by the old regime.
- There are no ‘pro-Assad fighters.’ There are just Alawites defending themselves from other Syrians who want vengeance for crimes committed by the old regime.
- A ‘Canada First’ approach needs domestic measures and border controls.
- A ‘Canada First’ approach needs domestic measures and border controls.
- It’s as bizarre as Britain annexing Ireland or Germany seizing Austria (both of which did happen in the Bad Old Days), but that’s what the current U.S. administration has in mind. For the moment, at least, it intends to do it non-violently, by crushing the Canadian economy in a trade war and picking up the pieces.
- It’s as bizarre as Britain annexing Ireland or Germany seizing Austria (both of which did happen in the Bad Old Days), but that’s what the current U.S. administration has in mind. For the moment, at least, it intends to do it non-violently, by crushing the Canadian economy in a trade war and picking up the pieces.
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- High Commissioner to Canada Muhammad Saleem denied that Pakistan has interfered in the Canadian electoral process despite a reference in the Foreign Interference Commission's final report.
- High Commissioner to Canada Muhammad Saleem denied that Pakistan has interfered in the Canadian electoral process despite a reference in the Foreign Interference Commission's final report.