Fisheries and Oceans
- We border three large oceans that are filled with countless species that do not recognize the 200-mile limit between national and international waters. If we want to preserve these places and animals for future generations of Canadians, a high seas treaty is essential.
- We border three large oceans that are filled with countless species that do not recognize the 200-mile limit between national and international waters. If we want to preserve these places and animals for future generations of Canadians, a high seas treaty is essential.
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- Plus, Tom Clark testifies for the condo purchase probe.
- Plus, Tom Clark testifies for the condo purchase probe.
- Plus, Tom Clark testifies for the condo purchase probe.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal MPs have proven yet again that they have no interest in standing up for the sustainability of the province's adjacent resources, enhancing
- Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal MPs have proven yet again that they have no interest in standing up for the sustainability of the province's adjacent resources, enhancing
- Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal MPs have proven yet again that they have no interest in standing up for the sustainability of the province's adjacent resources, enhancing
- We need to put salmon farm disease in perspective with how we respond to infectious disease in humans.
- We need to put salmon farm disease in perspective with how we respond to infectious disease in humans.
- We need to put salmon farm disease in perspective with how we respond to infectious disease in humans.
- Indigenous and industry stakeholders say they are still waiting to see the 'guts' of the government's plan to transition to close-containment salmon farms, which
- Indigenous and industry stakeholders say they are still waiting to see the 'guts' of the government's plan to transition to close-containment salmon farms, which
- Indigenous and industry stakeholders say they are still waiting to see the 'guts' of the government's plan to transition to close-containment salmon farms, which
- With two committee studies, an alliance of First Nations and harvester groups calling for owner-operator licensing in B.C., and now a provincial government commitment,
- With two committee studies, an alliance of First Nations and harvester groups calling for owner-operator licensing in B.C., and now a provincial government commitment,
- With two committee studies, an alliance of First Nations and harvester groups calling for owner-operator licensing in B.C., and now a provincial government commitment,
- When Canada’s ministers responsible for conservation, wildlife, and biodiversity meet in Ottawa on Thursday to hash out a national strategy on protected areas and conservation,
- When Canada’s ministers responsible for conservation, wildlife, and biodiversity meet in Ottawa on Thursday to hash out a national strategy on protected areas and conservation,
- When Canada’s ministers responsible for conservation, wildlife, and biodiversity meet in Ottawa on Thursday to hash out a national strategy on protected areas and conservation,
- Canada has been losing and saving species for a long time. Since European settlement, more than 100 species have been lost here. These include
- Canada has been losing and saving species for a long time. Since European settlement, more than 100 species have been lost here. These include
- Canada has been losing and saving species for a long time. Since European settlement, more than 100 species have been lost here. These include
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- Concerns over plastic pollution have never been more prevalent in public discourse. We have more evidence than ever about the abundance of plastics in
- Energy companies with active licences to explore Arctic waters for oil and gas expect an announcement from Ottawa by July that could spell the
- Energy companies with active licences to explore Arctic waters for oil and gas expect an announcement from Ottawa by July that could spell the
- Energy companies with active licences to explore Arctic waters for oil and gas expect an announcement from Ottawa by July that could spell the
- More funding was announced by Fisheries and Oceans Minister Dominic LeBlanc on March 15 for initiatives to protect southern resident killer whales, the iconic
- More funding was announced by Fisheries and Oceans Minister Dominic LeBlanc on March 15 for initiatives to protect southern resident killer whales, the iconic
- More funding was announced by Fisheries and Oceans Minister Dominic LeBlanc on March 15 for initiatives to protect southern resident killer whales, the iconic
- Shark finning is the brutal and ecologically devastating practice of cutting fins off a shark and throwing the animal back into the ocean to

- Shark finning is the brutal and ecologically devastating practice of cutting fins off a shark and throwing the animal back into the ocean to
- Shark finning is the brutal and ecologically devastating practice of cutting fins off a shark and throwing the animal back into the ocean to

- Transport Minister Marc Garneau has some heavy lifting to do with a few signature pieces for the Trudeau government’s environmental agenda. Most notably, Mr.
- Transport Minister Marc Garneau has some heavy lifting to do with a few signature pieces for the Trudeau government’s environmental agenda. Most notably, Mr.
- Transport Minister Marc Garneau has some heavy lifting to do with a few signature pieces for the Trudeau government’s environmental agenda. Most notably, Mr.
- Barack Obama, then United States president, told Parliament in 2016 that: “The world needs more Canada.” Banners in Chapters bookstores proclaimed the same message in 2017, by way of celebrating Canada’s
- Barack Obama, then United States president, told Parliament in 2016 that: “The world needs more Canada.” Banners in Chapters bookstores proclaimed the same message in 2017, by way of celebrating Canada’s
- Barack Obama, then United States president, told Parliament in 2016 that: “The world needs more Canada.” Banners in Chapters bookstores proclaimed the same message in 2017, by way of celebrating Canada’s
- If once upon a time the belief that fisheries were an endless natural resource was common, it is now abundantly clear that it is
- If once upon a time the belief that fisheries were an endless natural resource was common, it is now abundantly clear that it is
- If once upon a time the belief that fisheries were an endless natural resource was common, it is now abundantly clear that it is
- In 2003, George W. Bush’s administration established a novel initiative to prevent attacks on American interests from the sea, or to prevent transport of
- In 2003, George W. Bush’s administration established a novel initiative to prevent attacks on American interests from the sea, or to prevent transport of
- In 2003, George W. Bush’s administration established a novel initiative to prevent attacks on American interests from the sea, or to prevent transport of
- Unless the Trudeau government takes a sharp turn, fixing Canada’s environmental assessment law will be just one more bold commitment it won’t deliver on.
- Unless the Trudeau government takes a sharp turn, fixing Canada’s environmental assessment law will be just one more bold commitment it won’t deliver on.
- Unless the Trudeau government takes a sharp turn, fixing Canada’s environmental assessment law will be just one more bold commitment it won’t deliver on.
- Last week, a Canadian delegation joined world leaders in New York to support the United Nations’ goal to conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas and marine
- Last week, a Canadian delegation joined world leaders in New York to support the United Nations’ goal to conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas and marine
- Last week, a Canadian delegation joined world leaders in New York to support the United Nations’ goal to conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas and marine