Witness says she’ll return if invited after fracas at House Status of Women Committee, it’s more important than ‘petty politics’

Conservatives are calling on the Liberals to allow witnesses to return to speak after a disastrous House committee meeting on July 31.
House Status of Women Committee should learn from fracas

The Conservatives may be playing politics with this committee, but the Liberals and the NDP MPs should have known better. Canadians are always watching, especially when things go off the rails.
‘The trust has been broken’: accountability for racism in PCO requires resignations, says Black Class Action lead Thompson

The Privy Council Office can’t be relied on to get its own affairs in order after a damning internal report detailing a culture of racism and workplace discrimination, says a coalition of federal employees and civil society groups.
Why Emancipation Day matters

Aug. 1 is an occasion to reflect, educate, and engage in the ongoing fight against anti-Black racism and discrimination, which has roots in slavery.
Islamic scholars need to combat female genital mutilation

The victims are overwhelmingly Muslims, and most who do this to their girl children are convinced that it is an Islamic practice, or even a religious obligation.
Is the girl-boss era coming to an ignoble end?

The Liberals are never held accountable for the female sacrificial lambs they send out for slaughter to save the position of a mediocre man.
Some 25 MPs, Senators promise to ‘call out abuse and harassment’ in Parliament this fall

The 75-member Canadian Association of Feminist Parliamentarians, now headed by NDP MP Lindsay Mathyssen and Senator Marilou McPhedran, has relaunched, and it wants to take on what it sees as a worsening environment for women in politics this fall. So far, 25 have signed the pledge.
Black-owned businesses need more funding to compete for federal contracts, says founder of new training program

The biggest barrier hindering lack businesses from participating in federal procurement is the lack of knowledge among Black suppliers about what the government buys, says Jackee Kasandy, founder of a new certification program that aims to fix that gap.
Canada must commit to more than a monument

In the year that has passed, as domestic political rhetoric continues to fan the rabid flames of gender identity discrimination, it’s more important than ever that Canada make a stand and protect the vulnerable who’ve routinely been failed simply for being who they are.
Let’s improve our understanding of how we nominate candidates, and pass S-283

Bill S-283 is a modest step to stop the downward trajectory in Canada’s international standings in gender and diverse political representation.