Canada’s disability benefit is a step forward, but we still need a guaranteed basic income

In its current form, C-22 has mountains to climb before it can meaningfully address disability poverty. And on its own, it won’t be the stop-gap we need to address poverty.
Promised federal disability benefit could make ‘a huge dent’ in poverty rate if done right, say advocates

Bill C-22, which would create a framework for the Canada Disability Benefit, will be a House priority the week of June 12, says Government House Leader Mark Holland.
Qualtrough looks to leverage trust of disability community as Senate committee studies landmark benefit

Bill C-22 would create a major social program to address the high poverty rates for people with disabilities, but the ‘framework bill’ relies on not-yet-written regulations to do the heavy lifting.
This just in: high poverty rates and inequality are not inevitable

Disposable income inequality peaked in 2004. And the overall relative poverty rate, using a common international definition, peaked in 2015. Between 2004-2015, little progress was made in reducing disposable income inequality. But since 2015, there has been a remarkable reversal in these trends.