Thank you, former PMs, for standing up for Canada

In light of U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats and his arrogant insults directed our way, Canada’s past prime ministers have sprung into action. And it’s a wonderful thing.
Canada alone? What other world leaders have said publicly about Trump’s ’51st state’ threats

International affairs professor Michael Manulak says world leaders are holding back comment so far because they’re ‘unsure about how serious to take the 51st-state rhetoric and whether it was genuine or whether it was just bluster.’
Will the U.S. control Canada’s supplement market?

The time for action is now. Canada has the opportunity to ensure a healthier, stronger future for all Canadians by standing up for its natural health product sector and its dedicated entrepreneurs.
Diving into new Veterans Minister Darren Fisher’s team

Plus, there’s an update for Housing Minister Nathaniel Erskine-Smith’s office, and communications staff changes for Ministers Kamal Khera and Steven Guilbeault.
Premiers send ‘strong message’ in D.C., but defusing Trump’s tariff bomb a big hurdle, say observers

Canada’s premiers made their way to the White House for a meeting with senior advisers to the U.S. president on Feb. 12.
USAID chaos reveals crossroad for Canada’s foreign-aid funding

Foreign aid cuts in the U.S. could provide ‘fodder’ for a Canadian government to go down a similar path, says international assistance expert Liam Swiss.
Canada’s winners and losers in the Trump tariff war

Those on the ‘wrong side’ of the debate have been vilified, while those promoting Canada are suddenly in vogue.
Canada’s ‘long-term vision’ for border security should include input from people already doing the job: CBSA union president

CBSA training, knowledge, and expertise is underused in current border-security plans, says union head Mark Weber.
Carving a new future in the wake of Trump’s betrayal

President Donald Trump’s decision to turn on his northern neighbour has forced Canadians to take stock of their heritage, and thrown open the door to a much more constructive dialogue at the national level.
Don’t count your ballot-box questions before they’ve hatched

Despite the best efforts of political parties, aided by media narratives, one simple question doesn’t influence the entirety of the electorate.