Instead of pharmacare, Canadians need faster drug-approval timelines

Patients in Canada wait longer than most of our peer countries to access fewer medicines.
Robust federal leadership needed for health workforce data collection and planning

We need an integrated national plan based on robust data that includes regulators working alongside provincial governments.
Provinces and territories must work together to eliminate barriers for persons with disabilities: report

Fragmented disability policies impede people from accessing necessary programs and services, and lead to inequities.
Driving Canadian innovation in cancer treatment: a win for patients and the economy

Canada can deliver groundbreaking therapies to patients more quickly, reduce health-care costs, and drive economic growth by fostering a robust domestic life sciences sector.
Understanding the complex challenges faced by Canada’s aging population

The National Institute on Ageing’s annual survey should serve as a call to action to address inequalities for the most vulnerable populations.
We can no longer trust America

Canada can never again assume that America is our devoted friend who will look out for our interests or appreciate our friendship. It’s time to strengthen our country from within, and reach out to countries who, like us, can no longer count on a world order run by America.
Don’t overlook productivity in bid to return resilience to Western Canada’s supply chains

Addressing inefficiencies, improving productivity, and strengthening resilience are not just sectoral goals—they are national imperatives.
It’s time for Big Canada-thinking and Big Canada-action

We have to build a new economy, one that—through innovation and productivity—will enable us to diversify our economy, create good jobs, and generate the wealth to sustain a high quality of life.
Innovation sector under tariff war needs more protection and diversified trade partners, says business advocates

The federal government is closely monitoring the situation surrounding potential U.S. tariffs and ‘stands ready to have a robust response if needed,’ says the innovation minster’s office.
Canada’s next innovation strategy needs to prioritize export diversity, startups, and defence

In the next wave of bold innovation initiatives, the government needs to narrow its priorities, focus on getting results, and place good implementation at the strategy’s centre.