Exploring the legacy of COVID pandemic panic

The following is an excerpt from Pandemic Panic: How Canadian Government Responses to COVID-19 Changed Civil Liberties Forever, one of the five books shortlisted for this year’s $60,000 Donner Prize.
Canada going ahead with Ecuador trade talks despite Mexican Embassy raid rebuke

The first round of trade talks are planned to begin on April 29, according to Canada and Ecuador.
Canada’s sordid approach to transparency needs to change

Data on everyday contracting is too often hidden, and only minimally posted on the open government portal or sufficiently posted in official public accounts.
Canada’s military procurement: a laundry list of broken promises

Only a foolish military analyst would hail the recent defence policy update as a solid building block upon which to rebuild our badly depleted CAF.

Better working conditions can make air travel a smoother ride

By failing to improve working conditions, airlines, airports, and government are guaranteeing that the industry cannot meet the needs of passengers.
Canada’s commercial aviation in crisis: fact or fiction?

Aggressive plans to meet the post-pandemic moment put aviation’s partners in difficult situations, attempting on many occasions to handle volumes beyond the capacity of available resources.
Navigating Canada’s aerospace future: a call to action for an industrial aerospace strategy

Already contributing to $27-billion in GDP in 2022, Canada’s aerospace industry has the potential to be a major engine of the economy.
Aviation sustainability is more than just cleaner jet fuel

The future of Canada’s aviation industry hinges on integrating sustainability into every facet of our operations.
Now is the time to invest in sustainable aviation

Government funding currently places far too little emphasis on the societal benefits of aviation, and too much on its perceived economic benefits.