
Solving the health-care workforce shortage

Canadians deserve to feel confident that their government is listening and improving their access to health care.
Canada’s G7 presidency is a critical moment to tackle AMR

Often referred to as the ‘silent pandemic,’ antimicrobial resistance is a particularly concerning public health threat.
Instead of pharmacare, Canadians need faster drug-approval timelines

Patients in Canada wait longer than most of our peer countries to access fewer medicines.
Robust federal leadership needed for health workforce data collection and planning

We need an integrated national plan based on robust data that includes regulators working alongside provincial governments.
Provinces and territories must work together to eliminate barriers for persons with disabilities: report

Fragmented disability policies impede people from accessing necessary programs and services, and lead to inequities.
Driving Canadian innovation in cancer treatment: a win for patients and the economy

Canada can deliver groundbreaking therapies to patients more quickly, reduce health-care costs, and drive economic growth by fostering a robust domestic life sciences sector.
Here are two major ways Canada can significantly increase its supply of family doctors

The federal government can enhance funding to the Medical Council of Canada to asses foreign doctors, and provinces can boost investment to increase their output of graduating physicians.
Minister Holland has made positive pharmacare first steps, but stumbled on Health Act letter’s virtual care commission, say sector experts

The clock is ‘loudly ticking’ on a likely federal election in the spring, and it’s important pharmacare deals are signed with the provinces and territories before that happens, says the Canadian Health Coalition’s national director.
Canada should stand firm against the assault on the World Health Organization

Despite its imperfections, the WHO has delivered historic successes, which are only possible through the concerted efforts of all nations.