Are federal government measures supporting infrastructure sufficient?

While targeted efforts exist, federal investments are often short term and insufficient.
The Liberal infrastructure record is nothing to be proud of

Infrastructure gaps have major social, health, and economic impacts on Indigenous Peoples.
Canada is rising to meet the challenge of housing

Solving the housing crisis is a critical priority for the federal government. We are increasing the supply and supporting those who can’t afford a decent place to live.
Housing crisis requires more long-term infrastructure planning, say housing and construction experts

An advisory body for a National Infrastructure Assessment is expected to be announced early this fall, says Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities Canada.
Far more still to be done for infrastructure in the Yukon

Supporting the families and people who live, work, play, and visit in the North requires more critical infrastructure, including energy and communications.
Housing-enabling infrastructure: a key piece to solving the housing crisis puzzle

Resolving the housing-supply crisis needs a complementary abundance of new civic infrastructure.
Closing the infrastructure gap is about more than just money

When we prioritize infrastructure, we are investing in the communities in which we live, and in the people who call them home.
Looking to the future of Canadians’ mental health

As meagre as funding has been for health research in general, the situation for research into mental health is much worse.
Fact check: 2023 bilateral investments in mental health care less than half of what feds claim

Too often, governments use rote messaging about money as a cudgel to shut down innovations that the mental health sector can offer.
Governments must remove barriers to improve access to mental health and substance use services

Now is the time to take action to support the mental and substance use health of Canadians.