Canada needs to catch up in the biotech sector
Currently, our scientists have to look outside of the country to take their work to the next level, which means that Canada is not benefitting fully from Canadian ideas.
Unlocking Canada’s greatest economic potential: life sciences
The time has come for us to commit to life sciences as a driver for Canada’s economy with the knowledge that this sector can help solve some of our biggest societal challenges.
Canada’s biotech carpe diem
It’s imperative Canada keep pace with other competing jurisdictions, and establish itself as a regulatory leader that rewards investment and talent.
Harnessing the power of Canada’s growing biotechnology industry: a perspective from the West
Government investment and policy can help ensure groundbreaking technologies remain in Canada when companies scale up their production especially for international distribution.
Biotechnology: an opportunity balanced on a knife’s edge
To fully harness the benefits of a thriving biotechnology industry, it is critical we act to address the challenges that threaten it.
Biotechnology must factor into a broader Canadian industrial policy
Governments should focus on supporting basic research, helping startups, and funding the scale-up of growth companies.
NDP will feel unencumbered without supply-and-confidence agreement
The Conservatives will be relentlessly haranguing the NDP to help them bring down the government at the earliest chance.
Canadians need to see a clear strategy for the nation: Parliament must deliver
Parliament and the federal government need to find ways to instill confidence in Canadians that there is a clear economic strategy in place to create wealth, grow the economy, and secure their future.
How the public service should prepare for a Conservative government
For the public service to effectively transition to a future Conservative government, it needs to act now to re-orient its focus on service delivery, and to shrink and flatten its executive ranks.
A parliamentary year like no other: shifting alliances, a cautious ‘legacy’ agenda, and a potential deal with the devil
The Liberals can no longer count on the NDP, and the “legacy-building year” will be a limited parliamentary agenda where the government works hard for support bill-by-bill.