Monday, March 10, 2025

Canada’s Politics and Government News Source Since 1989

Monday, March 10, 2025 | Latest Paper

Canada’s unnecessary carbon tax detour

The climate threat is too important to allow any discipline to mislead us. Carbon taxes are not essential. We need to reduce GHG emissions at a good pace and it’s likely easier if we don’t waste money. Let’s focus on advancing and defending the policies that have a better chance politically.

Future of the carbon tax

The world’s leading climatologists agree that, unless there is an extremely larger effort to cut emissions, it will be next to impossible to do so sufficiently in the following few years in order to not reach 450ppm and go beyond. 

Farewell, consumer carbon tax

Canada needs predictability on environment and economic policies to create a competitive advantage over the chaos being generated by the U.S. administration. That should begin by specifying what will replace the consumer carbon tax and how all the many aspects of climate policy will work synergistically to protect the environment and strengthen the Canadian economy.