Breaking down Northern Affairs Minister Vandal’s office
Along with a couple of promotions, changes to Minister Vandal’s office this fall include the addition of parliamentary affairs adviser Rachelle DuBois.
A look at FedDev Ontario Minister Tassi’s nine-member office
Some new hires are expected in Minister Tassi’s office in the near future following the recent exits of two staffers focused on parliamentary affairs and communications.
Parliament’s in a pickle
Is Parliament doomed to fail? Or is it not as bad as most Canadians think it is? Jonathan Malloy, a scholar of Canadian political institutions, discusses his new book, The Paradox of Parliament.
Citizens’ Services Minister Beech backed by 10-member team
Additions to Minister Beech’s office since Hill Climbers’ last check-in include senior policy adviser Nathan Bowles and Justine Vincent, an adviser for parliamentary affairs, issues management, and West and North regional affairs.
Who’s who in Foreign Affairs Minister Joly’s office
Senior staff in the minister’s office include director of policy Tania Belisle-Leclerc and director of outreach and strategic initiatives Caroline Séguin.
New press secretary among staff changes for International Development Minister Hussen
Alex Tétreault will exit as director of communications to Minister Hussen as of Dec. 22.
East Coasters abound in Rural Economic Development, ACOA Minister Hutchings’ office
Senior members of Hutchings’ office include parliamentary affairs director Vanessa Cranston and operations director Harry Burton.
New policy director among fresh faces in WAGE Minister Ien’s office
Minister Ien also has a new press secretary, Nanki Singh, and Nathanielle Morin has joined her team to cover Quebec regional affairs.
House Speaker Fergus to be special guest at Ottawa mayor’s breakfast on Dec. 14
MONDAY, DEC. 11 House Sitting—The House is scheduled to sit until Friday, Dec. 15, and it’s scheduled to return again on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024. TUESDAY, DEC. 12 Chief Nursing Officer to Deliver Remarks—Longwoods hosts a virtual breakfast event, “‘You Can’t Recruit Your Way Out of a Crisis’: Why Retention is Critical to Today’s Health […]
Former Parliamentarians Association seeks cash injection to boost presence, establish mentorship program
CAPF was asked to return to the BOIE with a revised pitch after MPs were reluctant to endorse a four-year plan involving almost $1.6-million in new funding.