First Nations and the right to say yes

The Trudeau government needs to start hearing ‘yes’ when First Nations say it.
Environmental groups urge an end to fossil fuel subsidies in two reports outlining Canada’s oil and gas financing

The government gave at least $18.553-billion in financial support in 2023 to fossil fuel and petrochemical firms, including $8-billion worth of loan guarantees for the TransMountain pipeline, $7.339-billion in public financing through Export Development Canada, and over $1.3-billion for carbon capture and storage projects, according to the reports.
A cap on emissions will actually hinder Canada’s environmental, social, and economic efforts

The path to accelerating emissions reduction is not by adding more regulation.
Budget 2024 is critical to the future of made-in-Canada biofuel projects

Canada has enormous potential to be a global leader in biofuels production.
We need more natural infrastructure, and fast

While natural infrastructure alone could not have prevented the Red River spill, a well-funded hybrid system of grey and natural infrastructure will help mitigate the impacts of such disasters, and help prevent them happening again in the future, as well as support the Canadian environment, and the economy.
Why two per cent?

Canada can engage in diplomatic efforts to end our reliance on nuclear deterrence. This means signaling to all NATO’s members to slow and reverse momentum in supporting a global arms race. Instead, let’s increase overseas development and peacekeeping contributions.
Biogas: harnessing Canada’s methane

Expanding Canada’s investment tax credit would be an important first step and would help level the playing field with our competitors.
Becalmed: the sailing term as a metaphor for unreliable wind and solar power

A fixation on wind and solar power has distracted from the objective at hand, which is not to build more turbines or solar panels, but to reduce emissions.
People in Canada are ahead of industry and utilities on clean electricity

The federal government is reconsidering the terms of its clean electricity regulations, despite a majority of Canadians who believe an energy system based on renewable sources is more affordable and reliable than one based on fossil fuels.
How much should Canada worry about declining global crude oil demand?

Canadian oil is not under significant threat, but punitive policies like the proposed oil and gas emissions cap could unnecessarily reduce the industry’s competitiveness during the energy transition.