Will Susan Holt’s new government continue New Brunswick’s nuclear fantasies?

Keeping the Point Lepreau and SMR fantasies alive will require considerable effort from the new government. Susan Holt’s handling of the nuclear file will be an early test—both of her leadership and her commitment to wishful thinking.
Pre-budget talks, public transit funding, and safety led September lobbying

The banking, steel, and public transit sectors led federal advocacy efforts as Parliament returned from the summer break.
Canada’s false ‘solution’ for used nuclear fuel waste

Potentially trucking waste to a deep geological repository could be a recipe for disaster.
How the Canadian taxpayer ended up on the hook for $34-billion to build a pipeline for the oil industry

There’s no reason taxpayers should be subsidizing the oil transportation costs for the profitable fossil fuel industry. With a cost recovery levy and better scrutiny of future taxpayer investments in the energy sector, taxpayers can get the protection we deserve.
Liberal resource leadership boils down to LN ‘Gee, I don’t know’

Liberal ministers playing to the fossil fuel industry’s contrived confusion seems less of a lack of consistency, and more of an outright dangerous misunderstanding.
Environmental group wants clean power regulations without delay, calls electricity sector concerns ‘scaremongering’

A final version of Clean Electricity Regulations, intended to help Canada achieve a net-zero electrical grid by 2035, are expected to be published later this year.
Nuclear stations in Russia-Ukraine war provide warnings for Canada

The legacy of strikes on nuclear sites has made evident that nuclear power plants and waste disposal sites could become targets in conflict zones.
Green transition offers a chance for Canadian wealth creation

Providing patient, long-term capital for our future winners is critical.
Fossil fuel sector lobbying analysis shows ‘relentless’ advocacy, says environmental group’s report

Representatives of fossil fuel firms and industry groups held an average of nearly five meetings per working day with public office holders in 2023, according to Environmental Defence Canada.
It’s time to fix Canada’s Species at Risk Act

There are obvious flaws in the legislation that need to be fixed urgently, both for our environment and our economy.