Sunday, March 9, 2025

Canada’s Politics and Government News Source Since 1989

Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Latest Paper

For an entire generation of Canadians, a future without the legacy news industry is already here

The current government has been grappling with how to assist the responsible news industry as it adjusts to a transformed economy. But the legacy media have a political problem, one that the current government can’t help with. In fact, the more it tries to help, economically, the more it inflames the news media’s political problem: the government-in-waiting is out to get them.

CBC taking the crown in corporate shenanigans

The CBC’s cuts are another example of Canadian news media companies doing a poor job of expanding their audience, and losing relevance to younger, more diverse, and digitally savvy generations.

Don’t ‘defund’ the CBC, make it better

Targeting the CBC is red meat to the Conservative base, and will doubtless attract some support in other sectors. But it’s hard to see voters struggling with the cost of living, paying higher interest rates on mortgages, and perceiving an increasingly grim future outlook are going to be considering the fate of the public broadcaster when they mark their ballot.

The original sins of C-18

The fundamental problem lies in the premise Meta and Google somehow misappropriated news content and derived unfair benefits from links to this content.