They risk their lives to help others, but aid workers need protection too

Aug. 19 was a day that was keenly felt by my colleagues at the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). This day has been designated as World Humanitarian Day, when we honour the 22 colleagues who lost their lives in the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad 15 years ago. It also serves as an occasion […]
Kofi Annan had his flaws, but he inspired a generation

KAMOURASKA, QUE.—I met Kofi Annan only once, but I remember the encounter as if it were yesterday. The former United Nations secretary general’s calm demeanour, genuine interest in people, and undeniable charisma were all evident in the few minutes I had to speak with him at a UN meeting in Geneva. Despite that short meeting, […]
Why the world needs to pay more attention to land degradation

In Woldiya, in northern Ethiopia, a series of gullies scar the landscape. Where once there was farmland, land has eroded, opening up 10-metre-deep crevices, separating farmers from their fields and children from their schools. In 2013, the local government estimated that five hectares of gullies are formed in the community every year, equivalent to more […]
How much can the private sector do to end world hunger?

The private sector is ready, willing, and able to work with governments and non-profits to solve global poverty and hunger. At least that is the impression created by Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and the recently created International Assistance Innovation Program. That’s good news. But is the optimism well founded? Ottawa believes it is. It […]
Myanmar at a crossroads as Rohingya crisis deepens

The last year for Myanmar has been difficult, especially in terms of its international image. The plight of the Rohingya has dominated headlines and captured the suffering of hundreds of thousands of displaced people in refugee camps in neighbouring Bangladesh. A country that had, for decades, been one of the most isolated states dominated by […]
Zimbabwe’s ambassador, diplomatic corps dean, leaves Canada after ’13 winters’

After “13 winters” of ups and downs, Zimbabwean Ambassador Florence Zano Chideya, the longest-serving head of a foreign diplomatic mission in Canada, has finally wrapped up her tour of duty in the country. “I’ve been here for 13 winters…I’ll miss the country. I think it’s been home. And when you are home, you are comfortable. And I’ve […]
Trudeau must show Canada is part of global fight against TB
Centuries of neglect have transformed tuberculosis, a curable disease, into the biggest infectious killer today, claiming more victims than HIV and malaria combined. Every year, 10 million human beings contract TB. Every year, 1.7 million die of it. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has shown great leadership by promising to end TB in Canada’s North, but […]
Religion is an important part of civil society and ought to be heard

On May 28 and 29, a major civil society summit was held in Ottawa in advance of the June 8 and 9 G7 meeting in Charlevoix, Que. The summit—dubbed the C7—brought together representatives from all G7 member states and the European Union, along with representatives from civil society groups in Canada, to discuss ways to create a fairer, more sustainable […]
Canada, a preferred development partner? Think again

AidData, a research lab located at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va., has just released a report that examines aid effectiveness from the perspectives of those that are being advised and assisted by donors. Between January and March 2017, AidData asked public, private, and civil society leaders from low- and middle-income countries […]
Canada, Tunisia must build ties beyond aid, says visiting foreign minister

Tunisia’s foreign minister says it’s time for Canada and Tunisia to take their 61-year diplomatic relationship beyond just aid and into trade and economic growth. Shortly after the Arab Spring and the ousting of former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s 23-year autocratic regime in 2011, Canada announced it would contribute $15-million in 2012 to […]