Standing up for cultural sovereignty requires a steel backbone

The U.S. streamers will do all they can to weaken and defeat the Online Streaming Act and its effort to strengthen Canadian identity.
University and College Research

Vigilance required to bolster ‘first steps’ in national security measures for university research, says Montreal prof

NDP MP Richard Cannings argues Canada doesn’t fund research to the same extent as some other countries, and this increases the risk of Canadian researchers being attracted to foreign sources for funding.
Setting Canada’s research priorities

As the gathering storm of global challenges intensifies, we will need to improve the performance of our science, technology, and innovation ecosystem to adapt to and manage these risks.
Preserving Canada’s competitive edge: the need for balanced international student policy

Recent policy changes are damaging our ability to attract the talent we need for the future, pushing universities deeper into deficit, and hurting Canada’s ability to compete.
Digital research infrastructure is the key to the future success of Canada’s research ecosystem

We must build a truly pan-Canadian digital research infrastructure that enables revolutionary artificial intelligence developments.
Canada’s research ecosystem must drive impact

The country’s colleges and institutes are uniquely placed to reimagine our approach to meeting policy challenges.
New capstone agency promises to improve Canada’s research enterprise

An overarching agency will improve the current funding system, and help to develop it as a true meritocracy where the best ideas are funded.
Research partnerships are key to Canada’s net-zero economic future

When you bring together the right people, you push the boundaries of innovation.
Ontario’s health-care system is putting Métis lives at risk—it’s time governments invest in research to influence meaningful change

Public policymakers and researchers need timely information that reflects the health-care needs of the Métis population.