Investing in highly qualified talent to grow Canada’s economy

Canada needs to do more to help people attain graduate-level degrees and to support the university research enterprise as the backbone of talent development.
The foundations of human knowledge and experience are right here at home

Canada has an opportunity to be much better prepared now than it was when COVID-19 first emerged.
Graduate students are the lifeblood of research and innovation in Canada

Current inflationary pressures have made it virtually impossible for some of our most talented students to undertake graduate training in Canada.
The science of today is the economy of tomorrow

Complex global issues have multiplied, and investing in big, advanced and collaborative science is more critical than ever to addressing urgent challenges.
We need a balanced research environment to foster a real ‘innovation economy’

Funding research for our aging society, along with eventual applications in services and products, will help drive Canada’s innovation economy, write John Muscedere and Alex Mihailidis.
Research & Innovation Policy Briefing

Digital Privacy & Security

Canada needs a modern, national health data architecture

We have seen immense innovation in the space of artificial intelligence. Our lack of a national health data architecture will hobble us in this internationally competitive field.
Between an AI rock and a hard place: balancing privacy and artificial innovation

By creating impractical and technically arduous rules around the use of personal information, Parliament risks squandering its investment in AI innovation.
Legislation that keeps up with AI may require special committee with expert panel, says NDP critic

The rapid development of artificial intelligence requires problem-solving at a different speed, according to NDP MP Brian Masse.