A new House committee re-energizes science and innovation policy debate in Canada

Not only has the committee been studying the challenges in this fast-moving, disruptive global world, but it has also been seeking to better grapple with how the government and the Canadian polity in general should better respond to next-generation public policy matters that will involve all of us.
Canada should be aspiring to be more than a branch-plant economy

If we want a more independent Canada, we have to build the talent, own the tech, and grow firms so wealth is created here and the critical decisions for our future are made by the people who live here with the biggest stake in what kind of country we can become.
AI IQ: safeguarding elections requires more oversight to thwart voter manipulation, say expert, Senator

Federal parties’ resistance to creating uniform privacy policies leaves voter information vulnerable to election interference by foreign actors who could feed it into generative-AI tools, says ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
Canada better start playing the long game, now

We need an economic council of some of our best minds who can, with the future in mind, analyze policy issues, better frame public understanding of the issues, look at what currently works and doesn’t work, and outline policy directions for the future.
Three ways federal transparency is threatened

Hiding artificial intelligence use, automatically incorporating regulations by reference, and using non-disclosure agreements all allow a creep towards government opacity.
The venture capital blueprint: why development in Canada needs a capital ‘D’

Crown corporations are the bridge between the public and private sectors, fluent in both cultures. They can—and should—carry a bigger load in our economic and social sustainability.
Seizing Canada’s opportunity in ongoing EV battery negotiations

Canada is in a unique position to solve a market access problem for Stellantis while also solving an economic security problem for the European Union.
Members of new tech caucus pledge to work across party lines so Parliamentarians aren’t ‘left in the dark’ by rapidly advancing AI

Launching a caucus instead of a committee has ‘far fewer’ logistical hurdles, which is vital because ‘time is not on our side,’ said ISG Senator Colin Deacon.
All we have to worry about is ‘generative AI’ killing millions of white-collar jobs

As Jim Lovelock said in his book, Novacene, AGI would perceive human beings the same way as we see plants. However, human beings and AGI have no vital interests that obviously clash, and one existential shared interest: the preservation of a habitable climate on the planet we share.
With artificial intelligence, the sky really is about to fall

If you must talk about the Great Replacement, this is the one to watch.