Canada’s innovation advantage

Canadians and the government’s investments are helping cement our position as a world leader in research and innovation, building a global brand that will attract talent and capital, writes Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull.
Our scientists need action now, not more study

A post-industrial economy like our needs a constant stream of innovation to remain competitive. By underfunding our brightest scientists early in their careers, we’re forcing them to either drop out, or leave the country.
Do not rule out universities to drive innovation

Only by training a diverse generation of leaders with the skills to keep pace with the evolving technologies transforming our world will we ensure that the innovation they generate benefits everyone equitably.Â
Canada’s innovation policy framework needs a new paradigm and a major reboot

Between the pandemic’s legacy, the soaring costs of climate change, and the deteriorating indicators of social well-being, innovation goals must now be directly aligned with Canadians’ social and environmental needs. Â
Instead of competing directly with the U.S., Canada should develop a parallel clean-tech strategy

Our ability to invest big in clean tech and innovation is constrained. Amidst a challenging economic outlook, Ottawa needs to retain fiscal flexibility while finding ways to accelerate private investment in this industry.
Innovation Policy Briefing

Canada losing ground in race for top research talent

Our research talent has been taken for granted. It is critical the government ensures we have the domestic research capacity needed to fuel discovery and train the next generation of talent for a knowledge-driven economy.Â
Champagne lauded in innovation industry, but more can be done on infrastructure, faster regulatory updates, talent retention, say experts

Toronto Metropolitan University professor Wendy Cukier says ‘I think we’re seeing with the housing crisis that there may be an opportunity to really think critically about all dimensions of infrastructure and construction from tools and techniques, to processes, and what we’re doing with modular housing and additive manufacturing.’
A social innovation approach is needed to tackle homelessness

Crisis is often a powerful spur for social innovation. We must leverage our research strengths in taking a systems-level approach to address the homelessness crisis.
Canada has all the ingredients for success, and a few challenges, too Â

Canada is in an enviable position. We should be known not only as a country with immense natural resources, but also as one with a wealth of ideas and talent.