Getting government to work by putting Canada first

If Canada can’t turn its economy around—can’t match the AI-driven global economy with productivity and economic growth—it won’t just lose its seat at the table, it will be relegated to the shelf in the backroom, next to the old Nortel telephones and Blackberries.
Innovation Policy Briefing

Innovation sector under tariff war needs more protection and diversified trade partners, says business advocates

The federal government is closely monitoring the situation surrounding potential U.S. tariffs and ‘stands ready to have a robust response if needed,’ says the innovation minster’s office.
Canada’s next innovation strategy needs to prioritize export diversity, startups, and defence

In the next wave of bold innovation initiatives, the government needs to narrow its priorities, focus on getting results, and place good implementation at the strategy’s centre.
Moving from inputs to outcomes: reimagining Canada’s innovation strategy

With an election looming, federal parties must recognize the importance of innovation, but more of the same won’t work.
The hidden skills gap in Canada’s innovation strategy

Why technical infrastructure and digital literacy aren’t enough to solve our innovation paradox.
Canadian economic nationalism in the Trump era: what could possibly go wrong?

To boost innovation, Canada must think like a ‘big, small country’ rather than a ‘small, big country.’
Policy-making for innovation requires high levels of collaborative resolve

Canada is facing unique challenges including emerging global crises and wicked social issues. Innovation needs to be guided by policies that are adapted to tackle these evolving, unpredictable and uncertain conditions.
An overhaul of current governmental thinking needed to reverse our economic decline

Lack of private sector investment in innovation is a key factor most economists agree is driving Canada’s economic decline.
Canadian priorities converge in space

The upcoming federal election campaign will offer a chance to discuss policies of value to Canada and to our allies. Investing in and strengthening our deep expertise in space should be on every party’s list.