Standing up for cultural sovereignty requires a steel backbone

The U.S. streamers will do all they can to weaken and defeat the Online Streaming Act and its effort to strengthen Canadian identity.
What should Canada learn from the Russians at War case?

The recent case of the film Russians at War has sparked discussions about Canada’s ongoing struggle against foreign interference alongside a resumption of the public hearings by the Foreign Interference Commission. The movie, directed by a Russian-Canadian filmmaker previously involved with the Russian state-sponsored media outlet Russia Today (which is sanctioned in Canada), has drawn […]
Politicos defend protest against Russian war doc after TIFF scraps official festival screening

The Toronto International Film Festival ‘made an error in judgment,’ says Sen. Donna Dasko. ‘We are a free society; people can object, and raise their voices against what they see.’
Google signs deal to launch journalism fund in California, while cash from its Canadian media fund has yet to flow

Google awaits the CRTC go-ahead for $100-million-a-year Canadian media fund as news outlets call for urgent access to cash.
Learning from Gaudreau

The deaths of hockey players Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau give us all the chance to reflect on how they brought people together during their lives, and how important that is to emulate.
Feds should stand up for the National Field of Honour

The Montreal-area cemetery is currently supported by volunteer contributions through the Last Post Fund, but needs secure government funding.
Was radio cool in the 1960s and ’70s? Mais Oui!

Longtime DJ Marc Denis says his objective has always been ‘to bring the ‘Two Solitudes’ together through radio.’
Bishop’s Forum focused on keeping young Quebecers in Quebec

I emphasized to the young participants there was value in seeing the country or the world, and then coming back—as I did.
Language Commissioner’s report fails to come to grips with anglophone angst in Quebec

The report fails in so many ways, but it also ignores the purpose of the original Official Languages Act.
Paris Olympics reaffirmed the power of sport

We should be thanking Canada’s Olympians for the way they’ve lifted the country, and showed the true potency and goodness of the power of sport.