Lightfoot inspired us to understand Canada

It is a shame we will not have our unofficial poet laureate around to remind us of the beauty of the land and the extraordinary history we share.
Supporting local broadcasters is critical for our democracy

Community broadcasters are the only class of broadcasters who do not benefit from stable funding or tax credits.
Liberals attempt ‘balancing act’ with new Official Languages Action Plan: observers

Conservative official languages critic Joël Godin called the timing of the plan a ‘marketing stunt’ on the heels of C-13 returning to the House.
Bilingualism is a two-way street

While cynics say we’re not really bilingual, few countries can boast as many people who speak their fellow citizens’ mother tongue. And the future could be better if we don’t let that dream die.
Anti-Islamophobia rep calls for proactive measures to protect Canada’s Muslim communities amid rising hate-motivated attacks

Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia Amira Elghawaby says the federal government needs to explore a ‘myriad of policy solutions’ to address the rising hate and racism in Canada.
Senate Conservatives stall Bill C-11, insist government accept Upper Chamber’s amendments

The controversial Online Streaming Act, which the House first passed last June, is back in the Senate again, and is expected to be voted on this week.
‘The greatest crisis in its history’: past commission offers lessons to policymakers as Bill C-13 returns to the House, say historians

The 1969 Official Languages Act came about at a time when ‘Quebec’s frustration was bursting out in a variety of ways,’ says former official languages commissioner Graham Fraser.
Canada needs a co-ordinated democracy strategy

This week’s Summit for Democracy presents an opportunity for Canada to unite our approaches to democracy at this anxious time of democratic recession.
Senators unhappy with government rejection of ‘surgical compromise’ on C-11, but likely won’t block bill’s passage

Defeat of amendment on user-generated content leaves ambiguity in law, causing ‘uncertainty and fear,’ says Senator Paula Simons
The anglicization of the world is here

Rather than embracing the facility Montrealers have in English as an asset to business, Quebec nationalists’ hatred for everything English blinds them to a global trend.