King Charles III’s coronation a chance for Canada to break away from monarchy, says Bloc MP Fortin

A ceremony will be held in Ottawa for the coronation of King Charles III on May 6, which will begin a new chapter in Canada’s history, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
There’s something about Harry

The bottom line of this latest royal train-wreck? The real problem is that the British constitutional monarchy is based on an idea that is antithetical to democracy. Which is why so many countries have rejected the British monarchy, and why Canada should seriously revisit this outdated arrangement, this national hangover from colonial times.
Celebrated actor, singer-songwriter, film producer among 2023 Order of Canada recipients

Musician Lorraine Segato was once courted to run for office by the NDP, while storied actor Victor Garber has punctuated his career by playing Canadian icons, like former diplomat Kenneth Taylor.