Senate Oversight Committee recommends budget boost, hiring two auditors

Senate Audit and Oversight Committee chair Sen. Marty Klyne says his team will ‘build a launchpad’ over the summer for their request for a $347,500 increase to this year’s budget, and two new internal auditor hires.
Canada needs a fresh approach on innovation

Innovation is about bringing new ideas to market. This, built on technological progress and investment in intangibles, is the key source of productivity-boosting economic growth.
It’s worth two per cent: NATO is Canada’s grand strategy

Instead of a plan that binds itself to specific population goals or political parties, NATO binds us to the collaborative consensus-building and problem-solving of the alliance.
Shrink government revenues? Grow TFSA room? Economists weigh in on what a Poilievre tax-reform panel could—or should—consider

Pierre Poilievre is likely to appoint a panel of ‘practical people,’ and avoid policies that don’t work in the real world, unlike the way ‘losing governments’ have approached tax reforms in the past, said the Fraser Institute’s Philip Cross.
Immigrants back regularization for undocumented people

Regularization is not about rewarding lawbreakers; it’s about rectifying systemic failings that leave many people vulnerable and uncertain.
Younger people in ‘survival mode’ as affordability crisis ticks on, say pundits, leaving little room for Liberals to make up lost ground to Conservatives

Unlike the embattled prime minister, ‘no one has really any expectations’ of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre before the election, says pollster Greg Lyle.
Canadians are living through a mental health crisis

The journey towards equitable mental health care for all is far from over. It requires unwavering dedication, continuous advocacy, and collaborative efforts from all sectors of society.
MPs sound alarm over threat of losing ‘invaluable’ tool for fiscal oversight

The Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation is seeking $4.5-million over three years to continue training elected officials on how to scrutinize the annual Public Accounts.
Gains change a capital idea

The macro result of these preferential tax policies is that wealth inequality has ballooned, and contributed to our political instability and revolts.
New report shows Canada’s economic weaknesses date back to 2006, covering Harper and Trudeau years

The Bennett Jones report sets out some directions in taxation, competition, immigration, investment, and the green energy transition, but no policy map. It also warns that we will have to choose between spending cutbacks or broad-based tax increases as government spending will need to be focused on investment, not consumption.