Sunday, March 9, 2025

Canada’s Politics and Government News Source Since 1989

Sunday, March 9, 2025 | Latest Paper

Trudeau is dead wrong about Canada’s debt

Justin Trudeau

Despite the prime minister’s claim that Canada has the ‘strongest fiscal position’ in the world, Fraser Institute evidence shows it’s actually among the most indebted advanced economies.

It’s a Brit problem, it’s a Canadian problem

A recent British study argues that one of the top issues for U.K. innovation and industrial policy is the early sale of promising new science and tech firms to overseas-based corporations, and the truncation of further growth at home. This is our challenge, too.

We need a serious growth plan for Canada, like the EU’s

Tiff Macklem

The European Union’s recent report sets out priorities, a plan, and an estimated cost. This is what we need: something solid and serious for our future. We don’t have that today, which is why why Canadians are losing confidence in their future.