Canada’s digital services tax is not worth the risk

Our U.S. neighbours view the tax as a truly hostile move, posing significant consequences for trade between allies.
The real reason Canadian startups sell out? A broken capital system

The solutions are clear: reduce the risk of starting a business, and create a more competitive, diversified capital market.
Productivity and innovation actions are a decade too late

If we fail to act with a sense of urgency we could end up as the poor attic of North America.
Why the Bank of Canada cut the key interest rate

The 50-basis-point cut, reducing the rate to 3.75. per cent, is ‘to support economic growth and keep inflation close to the middle’ of the one per cent to three per cent range, the Bank explained.
Carbon price whiff an ‘occupational hazard,’ but PBO still ‘batting 0.999:’ finance policy expert Ian Lee

Canada’s first budget watchdog says the PBO is still needed, but is calling for an ‘independent external review’ to improve analyses before the next election.
Industrial policy may be the missing link for Canadian productivity

A more co-ordinated industrial policy that measures results and learns from failure could result in less waste, and fewer bad bets.
Trudeau government should reject Bloc plan, and raise OAS age of eligibility

Boosting Old Age Security through Bill C-319 would be a massive income transfer from younger Canadians to older Canadians.
Want to find the real boogeymen? Look to the banks

While real wages stagnate, bankers and shareholders are getting rich by doing worse things than would land the average person in prison for life.
Real estate nation: Canada’s biggest business sector scores low in the all-important area of economic productivity

Investment in housing takes away from money in other sectors, undercutting the country’s ability to devote funds to the kinds of spending crucial to Canada’s future prosperity.
Time is running out for Canada to harmonize copyright for all music creators

Every stream of income derived from copyrighted music is vital for music creators to piece together a livelihood.