Environmental advocates push back against ‘loopholes’ and ‘false solutions’ at UN climate conference

Tzeporah Berman from the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative says there is significant momentum behind the call to phase-out fossil fuels, but that she is watching for wording that would dilute that commitment if it makes it into the final text of COP28.
Transitioning to a low-carbon world is one of the great game-changing challenges of our generation, but Liberals have failed to sell it

In the absence of blood-sweat-and-tears leadership, there is a dangerous gap emerging between what’s needed and what we will achieve. It’s not too late to succeed. But without broad public support, it’s hard to succeed.
Catalyzing the opportunity of the North Pacific green corridor

The North Pacific Green Corridor presents a unique, sustainable model for future growth in green transport and trade that other jurisdictions can learn from and replicate.
Canada doesn’t have climate leaders: Bill Henderson

Re: “Will the real climate leaders stand up?” (The Hill Times, by Keith Brooks and Aly Hyder Ali, Nov. 27). We don’t have climate leaders. Canada has never met its (woefully inadequate) climate targets. We continue to do terrible damage to every future generation and the species with which we share creation. If we were […]
COP28 and climate science

Climate scientists are unanimously terrified by the speed at which things are moving, but also relieved that the crisis is finally getting some serious attention from both the public and the governments.
‘Unparalleled opportunity’: Public Policy Forum report urges Canada to take greater leadership on Paris Agreement, global carbon market

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says he would like to see new methane regulations to ensure that the oil and gas sector reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 75 per cent by 2030, ‘which are the most ambitious targets in the world.’
A burning platform for a national fire administration

Creating a Canadian Fire Administration could be one of the most consequential policy tools in the history of fire and emergency management in Canada. Fire chiefs are willing to help make this happen. We hope policy leaders will take our advice seriously.
Federal government can do more to help aviation industry get to 2050 target

Capital expenditure tax claims like SR&ED could make the difference between an advanced manufacturing facility in aviation being built in Canada or not.
Environment lobbying leads in October in advance of feds’ anticipated oil and gas cap

Draft regulations for the Liberal government’s long-awaited oil and gas cap are “coming very soon,” according to a spokesperson in the Environment Minister’s office.
World leaders should adjust their global CO2 emissions strategy

Taking an alternative look at how to deal with the energy transition would be a better strategy than crying that the sky is falling while you hope to hold it up with your finger.