Without mandatory green procurement standards, the cheap choice will always top the green choice

Commercial and public buildings are among Canada’s most significant greenhouse gas emitters.
Canada needs to up its game on climate finance

Measures for greater transparency and development of a new taxonomy for climate finance made up a small and unambitious section of the Fall Economic Statement.
The Toronto-Quebec City railway corridor project: a green ticket to sustainable travel

We need to develop a transportation service that empowers 15 million Canadians to swap cars for a greener mode of travel, thereby instantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Canada must stay the course on its push to tackle plastic pollution

The Liberal government is considering an appeal of a Federal Court’s Nov. 16 decision which overturned Canada’s ban on single-use plastic.
Canada can get its banks out of fossil fuels before it’s too late, and here’s how

Climate change puts Canada’s financial system at risk. By acting now, the government can send a clear signal to banks and investors about the future of finance in a changing climate.
Let’s cut the red tape and roll out a green carpet for clean-tech solutions in Canada

Ironically, some of the regulations that were meant to protect the environment are now endangering it. This is because some mandatory review processes needlessly add years and millions of dollars to the deployment of new clean technologies.
Canada needs to step up to deliver

Sustained leadership, and a spirit of innovation and partnership today, can help forge the models of Crown-Indigenous relations that can carry Indigenous communities, sustainable natural resource management, healthy ecosystems, and vibrant local economies into the future.
Guilbeault ‘can’t do it on his own’: progress on greenhouse emissions reductions should not rest solely with minister, say environment experts, advocates

Canada is set to miss its target to reduce carbon emissions by at least 40 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, according to the latest report from the office of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development.
It’s time to unleash Canada’s energy advantage

The greatest barrier to Canada seizing our energy advantage is today’s uncompetitive and complex regulatory and policy environment.
The Federal Court decision to overturn the single-use plastic ban is a step backwards for the planet—and our health

Canadians produce over three million tons of plastic pollution, with only nine per cent being recycled, and the rest filling up the country’s landfills, waste-reduction facilities, and the environment.