Canadian Drought Monitor reports extreme or severe drought conditions in large areas of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan

The need for water security in the Prairies is a key part of the challenge if we also want food security. But, ultimately, this is an issue facing almost every part of the country. No time for complacency.
The forest carbon loophole

When forests are logged, even after accounting for post-cutting forest growth and carbon stored in harvested wood products, there is a net emission of large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
Corporations are not empowered by law to ignore the environment

Surprisingly, the whole notion that the primary obligation of directors is to shareholders is a relatively new idea.
Canada’s back in the low-carbon investment game, but we need to play harder to win

Governments need to get even more ambitious about guaranteeing Canada’s provincial carbon markets to reassure firms and investors.
Let’s make Canada wilder

It is time to act to make Canada wilder. We need a pan-Canadian biodiversity recovery action plan, one that can be rapidly deployed, at scale, that will halt biodiversity loss, and restore nature.
Biggest hurdle in our EV transition is the failure to engage the foot-dragging provinces: Tom McElroy
Re: “High prices, lack of charging infrastructure must be addressed to accommodate 100 per cent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, say auto industry reps,” (by Jesse Cnockaert, The Hill Times, Jan. 15, 2024). This article is an important contribution to the much-needed discussion on our transition to electric vehicles. Like the arrival of the horseless […]
Environment advocacy dominates in record-breaking 2023 for lobbying

Draft regulations of the Liberal government’s oil and gas emissions cap are expected to be published in mid-2024.
Feds are sending out carbon tax rebates to Canadians, but no one is noticing

Most confused Canadians received the payment with no explanation. If they already receive direct deposit payments, the climate bonus arrived with a simple annotation: Climate Action Incentive Plan. Talk about a missed opportunity.
High prices, lack of charging infrastructure must be addressed to accommodate 100 per cent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, say auto industry reps

Federal government programs to close the price gap between electric vehicles and gas-powered vehicles are a start, but don’t go far enough, according to Brian Kingston, president and CEO of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association.
Only hope for our global village is to phase out fossil fuels, and CCS is a sham: McElroy
Re: “COP28 was different, controversial, and substantive: a great place for Canada,” (by Jacob Irving, The Hill Times, Dec. 20, 2023). Jacob Irving is wrong about COP28. The only hope for the survival of our global village is to phase out fossil fuels. Multinational fossil-fuel companies have used their vast resources and influence to turn our beautiful green […]