Trudeau’s carbon-pricing obstinance may be too late to deliver

Canadians have been lectured by the Liberal government on carbon pricing, but rarely has the message been properly co-opted with a reminder of its value.
The triumph of misinformation

The anti-carbon tax campaign is the leading edge of a collective, well-orchestrated, and fortuitous assault on everything progressive in this country.
Driving down emissions with electric school buses

Transitioning to cleaner alternatives such as electric school buses would mean cutting out more than four million tons of carbon dioxide from our emissions every year.
The electric-vehicle era is just getting rolling

Canada is going electric by producing critical minerals and cutting-edge batteries, re-tooling passenger vehicle plants, manufacturing electric vehicles, and much more.
Biogas: harnessing Canada’s methane

Expanding Canada’s investment tax credit would be an important first step and would help level the playing field with our competitors.
Not the Anthropocene?

Shock Horror! Anthropocene Cancelled! We’re back in the Holocene! Man the Pumps!
The climate election year

We need a wartime-style emergency-coalition government with a strong, unified, all-on-the-same-page approach to fight climate change.
Curtailing CO2 emissions doesn’t mean cutting or capping oil and gas

Only Canada can marry the requirement for hydrocarbons to power the world’s economic growth with the ability to contain carbon dioxide.
The Greener Homes Grant sent the right signal at the right time—it’s vital it gets a reboot

The broader Greener Homes Initiative is smart political calculus that combines support for Canadians, emissions reductions, and job creation in one tidy package.
The critical moment for carbon removal in Canada is now

We cannot expect to have an at-scale carbon-removal industry ready to help reach our climate goals unless we start building it today.