Sustainable development, here and now

Universities across Canada are generating solutions to support green technology development and deployment.
Rallying against the blaze: uniting Canadians to fight climate change

There is an urgent need to address climate change, the root cause of the wildfire crisis, across all jurisdictions.
How green was this budget?

Being better on climate policy than the Official Opposition is too low a bar for a confidence vote.
First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

Canadian politicians at all levels have a choice: continue supporting a still-lucrative but damaging fossil fuel industry, or summon the courage and foresight to boost funding for the clean, proven technologies they claim to favour.
Beef farmers seek exemption from federal carbon price in March dominated by environment lobbying

Bill C-234, sponsored by Conservative MP Ben Lobb, proposes an exemption to the federal carbon tax for farmers on propane and natural gas used for grain drying.
To stop plastic pollution, stop producing it

At the 2023 Global Plastics Treaty negotiation session in Nairobi, the fossil fuel and chemical industry’s lobbyists outnumbering the combined delegates from 70 of the smallest nations. The UN must disclose the number and nature of the industry lobbyists in Ottawa, and establish a conflict-of-interest policy.
The federal carbon-pricing plan’s broken promise to small business

Almost none of the billions of dollars collected in carbon tax revenues have found their way back to SMEs since 2019, leaving them disillusioned and struggling to keep up with the rising cost of doing business.
Environmental groups urge an end to fossil fuel subsidies in two reports outlining Canada’s oil and gas financing

The government gave at least $18.553-billion in financial support in 2023 to fossil fuel and petrochemical firms, including $8-billion worth of loan guarantees for the TransMountain pipeline, $7.339-billion in public financing through Export Development Canada, and over $1.3-billion for carbon capture and storage projects, according to the reports.
Why wait for disasters to strike to draw on research evidence?

We need to strengthen the evidence-support system by taking stock of what we already have and building on these strengths. Political staffers from all parties and public servants have key roles to play in these efforts.
To curb pollution, government should put a price on it, says letter writer

Re: “Trudeau’s carbon tax hike will hurt future generations,” (The Hill Times, March 27, p. 15). Author Kenneth Green claims that the carbon tax will yield no appreciable benefits. If he had challenged the effectiveness of the tax, comparing it to other policies, that would have earned a reader’s respect. Many years ago, the apostle of […]