A new age for Canada-Saudi relations? Human rights concerns passed over for economic links

A former Canadian envoy praises Ottawa’s new approach to Saudi Arabia, as the NDP says Riyadh has bought Canada’s silence on its human rights record.
Release the names

The best way to counter Russian propaganda is not to be silent, but to tell the whole truth. That’s what the Library and Archives Canada should be giving us regarding the Galician Waffen SS Division in this country.
Suddenly, there he was all over the United Nations

Justin Trudeau was ubiquitous, with a burst of commitment to UN causes that, had he shown it when Canada was running for a Security Council seat, might have brought the country into a powerful political position.
Turkey marks Victory Day

The Hill Times
U.K. High Commission officially opens its doors

Mexico’s diplomatic pause likely to be short-lived as North American ties will trump discord, say analysts

Canadian Ambassador to Mexico Graeme Clark made public comments on Aug. 22 regaridng concerns investors had about Mexico’s judicial overhaul.
Canada crafts plan to deploy Sudan-focused diplomats in Ethiopia as Khartoum embassy stays shut

‘As the conflict persists and as fighting has engulfed large parts of the country, a return to [Khartoum] looks unlikely in the medium term,’ notes an internal GAC memo.
GAC’s ability to perform essential duties, sustain foreign presence threatened by financial crunch: memo

As billions of dollars get invested in Canada’s defence, Ottawa’s other international apparatus is being left behind, say current and former diplomats.
Diplomats celebrate ASEAN Day

Peru hosts fiesta to mark its independence

The Hill Times