The world is turning to renewables and Canada should, too, with its clean electricity regulations

The federal government must tell facts apart from fiction and stand its ground on its clean electricity strategy.
Let’s get creative: CAF can’t keep picking up emergency response shortfall

Given the reality of climate change, the demand for federal disaster assistance will only increase. The answer cannot always be ‘send in the military.’
Canada needs a national emergency response agency

There are jurisdictional issues over emergency responses, but the federal government should create one national registry so Canada is better prepared for the worst.
Trump administration would put ‘robust emphasis’ on fossil fuels

Donald Trump would once again pull the U.S. out of global climate commitments and negotiations under the 2015 Paris Accord, recently calling it a ‘rip-off of the United States.’
Canada’s future generations: affordable clean energy vs. legacy nuclear debt?

For the sake of today and tomorrow’s young, Canada needs to follow a ‘sustainable renewables path to net zero’ using all of our people and financial resources.
Will logging more in healthy forests reduce wildfire risk?

Expanding industrial logging into remaining unlogged forests is not the solution; more broad forest management is.
The carbon tax is not created for all

Transportation, heating, and electricity expenses are already substantial; the added burden of carbon pricing pushes these costs to crisis levels.
Canada has a chance to lead on the world stage with an improved Nature Accountability Act

Bill C-73 is a much-needed piece of legislation that would give the National Biodiversity Strategy legal teeth, and make it enforceable by the courts.
Pumping more oil while the house burns down: how long will the fantasy last?

Fossil fuels still hugely contribute to provincial coffers and the federal treasury, but too so would green energy alternatives if given a chance to flourish instead of being undermined by the Alberta government.
Climate records and effective mitigation

Climate change is accelerating and the effects are getting worse. We may have already crossed a threshold to Hothouse Earth. But in the real world, it’s still the economy, stupid.