Food security concerns will become more prominent, and the world needs Canadian agriculture
As an industry predominantly located in rural communities with seasonal labour needs, Canadian farmers cannot find enough workers to realize agriculture’s full potential.
Growing our role on the world stage: the importance of Canadian agriculture globally
The Liberal government is punishing Canadian agriculture with punitive taxes and regulations which are making our farm families uncompetitive and financially unstable, writes Conservative MP John Barlow.
Nurturing Canada’s agricultural future: a call for a long-term vision
The past few years have seen an unprecedented surge in the prices of essential agricultural inputs, including fuel, fertilizer, feed, machinery, pesticides, land, and labour. This surge has placed tremendous pressure on the shoulders of farmers and stakeholders across the agri-food value chain.
On the future of agriculture and agri-food
We’re lagging far behind when it comes to investment in research and development, in both agriculture and agri-food.
We have the power to shape a food system for both people and the planet
We are facing interdependent challenges that call for a shift in our agri-food system. And there is one way forward: the One Health way.
Agriculture Policy Briefing: March 18, 2024
Loblaws and Walmart’s ‘brick wall’ on grocery code of conduct spurred cross-party unity at Agriculture Committee, says chair
MPs on the House Agriculture Committee want two grocery giants to adopt a new code of conduct, but haven’t yet seen the full text of the code themselves.
Our food source is our livelihood: a First Nation’s plea for sustainable salmon farming
For First Nations like Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw, aquaculture is the bridge between poverty and prosperity.
Agriculture sector to push hard for unamended passing of carbon tax exemption bill for farmers in 2024
Bill C-234, an act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, passed at third reading with two amendments on Dec. 12.
Senate passes pared-down version of bill on carbon tax exemptions for farmers
Bloc, NDP, and Green MPs who voted with the Conservatives in March will have to take a second look at Bill C-234 now that the Senate has sent it back with significant cuts.