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- After three attempts on his life, and the murder of the police officer who was protecting him, George Lindo and his family decided to stay in Canada back in 2019—but Canada wants to send them, including their Olympic-level track star son, back to Jamaica.
- After three attempts on his life, and the murder of the police officer who was protecting him, George Lindo and his family decided to stay in Canada back in 2019—but Canada wants to send them, including their Olympic-level track star son, back to Jamaica.
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- March is Fraud Prevention Month in Canada. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, there were over 41,000 victims of fraud last year, with scammers ripping people off for more than $554 million.
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- Canada's special immigration measures for Turkish earthquake victims provided immediate relief for those fleeing the 2023 disaster, but advocates say ineligibility for benefits like health care and education, and a lack of a plan from the Canadian government, has left hundreds wondering where to turn.
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- Multiple postsecondary sector groups warn of funding shortfalls and layoffs if additional measures are not taken after capping provincial numbers of foreign students.
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- Lack of clarity and timelines leaves Palestinian Canadians in maddening limbo waiting for responses to their applications.
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