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- The Liberal caucus chair has allocated six hours for Wednesday's national meeting to address any potential developments, as they remain uncertain about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plans, according to Liberal sources.
- The Liberal caucus chair has allocated six hours for Wednesday's national meeting to address any potential developments, as they remain uncertain about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's plans, according to Liberal sources.
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- The Conservatives still have a double-digit lead across every recent poll, but analysis by the Angus Reid Institute show that with potentially a year or more before the next election, half of the electorate are still open to changing their minds before casting their ballots.
- The Conservatives still have a double-digit lead across every recent poll, but analysis by the Angus Reid Institute show that with potentially a year or more before the next election, half of the electorate are still open to changing their minds before casting their ballots.
- The Liberals are 'in a lot of trouble,' chiefly due to the economy. But if that's fixed by the next election, the government could recover. However, if Justin Trudeau leads his party in the next election, he would be making the same mistake that Stephen Harper did in 2015, says pollster Darrell Bricker.
- The Liberals are 'in a lot of trouble,' chiefly due to the economy. But if that's fixed by the next election, the government could recover. However, if Justin Trudeau leads his party in the next election, he would be making the same mistake that Stephen Harper did in 2015, says pollster Darrell Bricker.
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision one way or the other by February, says Downe.
- There’s a lot of chattering going on within the Liberal Party about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future plans and they all expect a decision one way or the other by February, says Downe.
- Greg Lyle of Innovative Research says a summer cabinet shuffle offers ‘relaunch’ for Liberals, while Nik Nanos recommends Poilievre avoid the spotlight.
- Greg Lyle of Innovative Research says a summer cabinet shuffle offers ‘relaunch’ for Liberals, while Nik Nanos recommends Poilievre avoid the spotlight.
- It would be a mistake for Pierre Poilievre to run on a populist message in the next federal election as that vote will be decided in the suburbs of major urban centres, not in rural ridings, says Prof. Duane Bratt of Mount Royal University.
- It would be a mistake for Pierre Poilievre to run on a populist message in the next federal election as that vote will be decided in the suburbs of major urban centres, not in rural ridings, says Prof. Duane Bratt of Mount Royal University.
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