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- The federal government is reconsidering the terms of its clean electricity regulations, despite a majority of Canadians who believe an energy system based on renewable sources is more affordable and reliable than one based on fossil fuels.
- The federal government is reconsidering the terms of its clean electricity regulations, despite a majority of Canadians who believe an energy system based on renewable sources is more affordable and reliable than one based on fossil fuels.
- Transforming our energy systems to net zero is as much about economic survival and competitiveness as it is about environmental responsibility.
- Transforming our energy systems to net zero is as much about economic survival and competitiveness as it is about environmental responsibility.
- Plaudits to Quebec. It is more than carrying its weight when it comes to lowering national admissions and, unlike the federal government, gaining favourable notice outside our borders.
- Plaudits to Quebec. It is more than carrying its weight when it comes to lowering national admissions and, unlike the federal government, gaining favourable notice outside our borders.
- The federal government is doing a bad enough job with the fossil fuel file without Smith urging them to more folly. Scientists have known for almost 200 years that CO2 was going to eventually cause destructive changes to our atmosphere. Trying to delay action for decades more is a crime against humanity.
- The federal government is doing a bad enough job with the fossil fuel file without Smith urging them to more folly. Scientists have known for almost 200 years that CO2 was going to eventually cause destructive changes to our atmosphere. Trying to delay action for decades more is a crime against humanity.
- Plus, Erin O’Toole comes to committee.
- Plus, Erin O’Toole comes to committee.
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