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- The House Board of Internal Economy is set to strike a new subcommittee to oversee the administration’s planned strategic review.
- The House Board of Internal Economy is set to strike a new subcommittee to oversee the administration’s planned strategic review.
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- We need a strong health-centred approach in the federal government’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to global heating.
- We need a strong health-centred approach in the federal government’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to global heating.
- It will be hard for Canada to declare that it has protected ‘30 by 30’ if the humans and wildlife within those zones continue to be subjected to some of the most pernicious substances on the planet.
- It will be hard for Canada to declare that it has protected ‘30 by 30’ if the humans and wildlife within those zones continue to be subjected to some of the most pernicious substances on the planet.
- A modernized Canadian Environmental Protection Act with a stronger legislative framework for assessing and controlling toxic substances—including greenhouse gasses—and protecting the right to a healthy environment is an urgent priority.
- A modernized Canadian Environmental Protection Act with a stronger legislative framework for assessing and controlling toxic substances—including greenhouse gasses—and protecting the right to a healthy environment is an urgent priority.
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