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- A winter storm swept across Ontario and Quebec in December, resulting in extensive delays and cancellations of train service.
- A winter storm swept across Ontario and Quebec in December, resulting in extensive delays and cancellations of train service.
- Wastewater surveillance projects at international airports and across the country are a 'smoke alarm' for variants of concern, but experts say sustainable infrastructure is needed to better prepare for future pandemics.
- Wastewater surveillance projects at international airports and across the country are a 'smoke alarm' for variants of concern, but experts say sustainable infrastructure is needed to better prepare for future pandemics.
- Plus, the House Transport Committee is meeting to launch a study of the travel delays that left passengers stranded over the holidays.
- Plus, the House Transport Committee is meeting to launch a study of the travel delays that left passengers stranded over the holidays.
- There is a total of 559 active registrations related to COVID-19 on the federal Lobbyists’ Registry, according to a search of the registry on Sept. 8. The Tourism Industry Association of Canada leads as the most active organization which includes discussing the pandemic among its advocacy priorities, and has filed 127 communication reports between January and July.
- There is a total of 559 active registrations related to COVID-19 on the federal Lobbyists’ Registry, according to a search of the registry on Sept. 8. The Tourism Industry Association of Canada leads as the most active organization which includes discussing the pandemic among its advocacy priorities, and has filed 127 communication reports between January and July.
- Airports are facing wait times for travellers and flight delays due to a surge in air travel demand that began in summer following eased COVID-19 restrictions.
- Airports are facing wait times for travellers and flight delays due to a surge in air travel demand that began in summer following eased COVID-19 restrictions.
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